Friday, February 13, 2009

Chapter 2-Expressive Type and Design


Metallic, industrial, metal scraps in disarray...this is what the word "Stodgy means to me." When I enter an atmosphere of
industrialization i feel as though I have entered a cold, gray, open, dull, drab environment and I quickly draw to my appreciati
on for the richness of color, design and warmth. With industrialization in mind, my creation of the word
"Stodgy" came to life in gray cold metal scr
aps, just as the word impacts the way I feel.


Sparks of Passion!

With curvy
lines, red as passion, and sparks is my inspiration for creating with the word "Crush".


Elegance of the early 1800's-1900's....the very image of Ornate. Parasols, Fancy attire, horse drawn carriages, a life full of richness and architectural decor....this was my inspiration to create the word "Ornate". I wanted to create in this word, the feel of a Monet. His paintings capture the essence of this era and bring to life the elegance of the rich colorful feel of its time.

I used elegant font, to
capture the beauty of the word and the red sketchy shadow mimic a Monet.


A slippery, drippy, brown and black substance...the essence of "Sludge". That was my inspiration behind the meaning of the word as I created it to capture the emotion of what this word meant to me. The sketches at the bottom of the word imply puddles of sludge that have dripped off as sludge is an oozing substance. The shadows of black indicate mud or an oily black substance running together with the brown goo. The font of the word enhances the creepiness of the sludge embedding that particular feeling of filth.

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